San Felipe's Cancer 100 Walk - 2016

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San Felipe, Baja, Mexico


The Cancer 100 Miles Walk - 2016

Blisters, sweat, dust, thirst and psychological tribulations dogged the dozens of participants in this charity event that raised money to fight cancer. Averaging 20 miles a day through the desert, the walkers were supported by volunteers who provided medical care, food and fluids and even chauffeured a small convoy or Porta-Potties along the drawn out column of hikers.

Even with careful preparation, drama was not absent. Some course markers were removed by Federales, who presumably acted out of a deep concern for the pristine desert scenery. Without a marked trail, a few of the walkers lost their way and had to be retrieved by the organisers.

John and Rachel Pack of The Baja Good Life Club helmed the event. After the Federales incident, John steamed ahead of the group to ensure the trail was clearly marked.

The hikers completed their Long March toward the end of the 5th day, meeting together at the Arches. Then they walked a final mile to Rosita's for drinks, music, some repast and a survivors' ceremony. Many of the participants and supporters had private reasons for their involvement, - a friend or family member who had either succumbed to cancer or had managed to survive the terrible disease.


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